Family Life

Family Life

The Family Life Commission offers a variety of programs that support and encourage the growth of family life for every segment of our parish population. The members meet the third Sunday following Mass with coffee and donuts to set goals for the enrichment of our church family.

The commission is blessed to have many members devoting their time and talents on specific ministries outside of the regularly scheduled meetings. These ministries support the family from the beginning to the end of life. Families receive direct support with baptismal information from the child’s birth until twelve months old. Those celebrating the sacraments including First Communion and Confirmation receive handmade gifts. Members are praying for the newly engaged and coordinating the celebration of anniversary blessings. The homebound are scheduled to receive home visits. Meals are coordinated and delivered to families in need. Families can also receive support through the grief ministry program.

The commission hosted an extraordinary dinner and presentation event called “The Nature of Love: What It Is and Why It Means Everything” with speaker Katie Patrizio. Social events are held throughout the year including a popular Bunco night for women to play a no-strategy dice game and share the daily trials as well as celebrate the victories of life.

Raising healthy families by feeding the body and soul with the Dinner Time program has been well received by the parish. Dinner Time is an opportunity to educate the families on a variety of ways to bring the family to eat together, connect with each other through conversation starters, and quick and kid-friendly recipes. Parishioners will find past recipes linked below.

The Sacred Heart Stitchers provide prayer shawls, scarves, and hats to all that need the warmth of our Lord wrapped around them as they recover from or deal with an unfortunate situation. The group meets at 10:00 Thursday mornings at McCann Center.

Anniversary Milestones Form
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