The Liturgy Commission is responsible for nurturing the faith of the parishioners and for planning the liturgical prayer of the parish. The active participation of worshipers in the liturgy is the source and summit of the public prayer life of the church. Everyone—from priest to parishioner, from musician to minister of hospitality—is challenged to engage actively in the liturgical action and so enter more deeply and intimately into the paschal mystery of Christ—crucified, died, and risen.
To accomplish this responsibility, the Liturgy Commission relies on the dedicated members whose duties include:
· Working closely with the Sacred Heart Church staff and Spiritual Leaders to meet the ongoing needs
of the parish
· Providing greeters who welcome parishioners and visitors to Mass, take up the offerings, and
distribute the weekly bulletin
· Recruiting and training youth and adult altar servers
· Training lectors
· Training and coordinating Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
· Providing leadership for the choir and music ministry
· Ensuring the church is properly decorated for each liturgical season