Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

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Below are the different ministries that members of Sacred Heart can participate in to enrich and deepen their spiritual lives and to make those liturgies and devotions relevant and meaningful to them.

Eucharistic Minister

Being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion involves more than a few minutes during Mass helping to distribute Communion. We hope that Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will take their spiritual growth seriously. Fr. Goetz will invite parishioners to become Extraordinary Ministers. A two-hour formation session will be required for those that are willing to accept appointment as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. This training, which the bishop requires, will provide spiritual, theological and practical preparation to fulfill the role with knowledge and reverence. Additionally, there may be ongoing formation requirements over the three-year term of the appointment.


The ministry of the Word is an important part of our liturgical life. The Word of God in our midst is Jesus. Lectors are supported in this ministry through encouragement, assistance in preparation, and with our prayers. If you are interested in serving in this important ministry, please contact the parish office.

Altar Server

Boys and girls in 4th grade or older may be trained to be altar servers. Please contact the parish office.


The Hospitality Ministry involves greeting and welcoming people as they arrive for Mass, helping with the offertory collection, and a few other simple tasks. If you are interested in the Hospitality Ministry, please contact the Stewardship office.


The choir sings at the Sunday morning Mass and for special parish liturgies. Choir practice is held Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. fall through spring. All are welcome to join.


Music is an important part of our liturgical life. Song leaders and cantors are necessary for creating a climate of prayer by leading the assembly in joyfully proclaiming the praise of God with music and song. If you are interested in being a song leader for either Mass, please contact the parish office.

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