

Stewardship Commission

When I hear the word stewardship I immediately think of giving money. But Christian Stewardship is much more than that. Christian Stewardship begins with the Love of Christ’s message. God gives us precious gifts –the 1st being our life and He adds our talents, abilities, and all our possessions. These gifts are to be used in God’s plan for us. As Christian stewards we receive God’s gifts gratefully, help them grow and then share them with others thereby returning them to God. Stewardship has to do with our willingness to be a part of the universal church through our parish. Stewardship is sharing our time and talents, our material goods and ourselves to help our parish and our Church. A parish belongs to its parishioners. We have numerous opportunities for each parishioner to give of  his or her time, talent and treasure.  We also offer Auto-share Giving besides weekly envelopes for sharing your treasures. Arrangements for that can be made by calling the parish office at 792-2050.

Our Stewardship Commission at Sacred Heart is made up of disciples who meet monthly. One of our main accomplishments is planning the Annual Appreciation Dinner. Another is coordinating the Annual Diocesan Appeal. We also initiate several get-togethers for the young couples in the parish. We attend the Diocesan Stewardship Day sponsored by the Davenport Diocese, which features a keynote speaker.

Annual Diocesan Appeal

This financial appeal for the Diocese of Davenport occurs every year. The capital campaign for the Diocese of Davenport (Moving Forward in Faith and Hope) is an extraordinary sort of appeal which might happen only once every twenty-five years or so and responds to extraordinary needs of the Diocese. The Annual Diocesan Appeal assists the diocese in meeting the annual budget needs for the operation of the bishop’s office and of all the personnel who assist at the chancery. This is our opportunity to assist the diocese in its ministry work. Your participation and generosity will be greatly appreciated.

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